I am very fortunate in that I could literally write pages about my interesting life journey.
I was born in Alabama, raised in Japan, Hawaii, California, and Mississippi. I graduated from Caledonia High School
and attended Mississippi State, graduating with a degree in Forestry.

Throughout my life, I have held four major careers; Mom, Forester, Retail Management, and Science Teacher. All four have provided me with a wide variety of life experiences and adventures. My most important career has been raising three loving, compassionate, educated sons along with my husband. They are each strong, independent men that we are extremely proud of.

I have always had an interest in art and drawing, taking many lessons for fun over the years. Teaching middle school science and high school biology / environmental science I found that art is a powerful teaching tool. In retirement I have found the joy and therapeutic aspects of art,
it has helped me tremendously through challenging health issues.

Growing up as a Military dependent and moving often as an adult, I was exposed to many different cultures and environments, which taught me the value of nature and our environment. My art work deeply reflects my love and respect for our natural environment. Most of my artwork is created from my photography of butterflies in my perennial and vegetable gardens. The photos coupled with research made me better aware of the diversity of host/nectar plants and butterflies in Mississippi.

Through my Butterfly art I wish to convey that we can better coexist with butterflies, birds, and wildlife by gardening more with native species of plants and reducing our lawns and paved spaces. I sincerely hope you enjoy my butterflies, as I love to create and share them.